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An Update on Prevea’s Western Wisconsin Operation
Smiling women

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Prevea’s team of expert and compassionate therapists are here to help if you’re dealing with urinary or pelvic concerns.

Therapy for women’s care

Personalized therapy care for women’s health
Why choose Prevea physical and occupational therapy for your women’s care needs?

As a woman, your body has special needs and sometimes requires special care. If you’re dealing with the discomfort, inconvenience or embarrassment of urinary or pelvic issues, Prevea’s women’s care therapy experts are here to help. We specialize in the unique challenges of the female body and will help you regain your confidence.

Prevea’s therapy team includes experts in treatment of incontinence, pelvic pain and prolapse, pregnancy/post-partum care and management of osteoporosis. We’re leaders in advanced therapies, such as biofeedback and muscle retraining. And we work with primary care providers and specialists to assess each individual patient’s condition and create a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment options from Prevea’s expert team of women’s health therapists include:

  • Behavioral modification for dietary and toileting habits
  • Bladder and pelvic floor muscle retraining
  • Manual therapy for mechanical correction, decreased muscle tightness and improved posture
  • Individualized exercise program for pelvic muscle strengthening
  • Relaxation techniques to decrease pelvic floor muscle tension
  • Assessment for pregnancy and bladder support devices
  • Biofeedback and electrical stimulation for muscle recruitment and coordination

Key services

Specialized care for women’s health

Symptoms of common women’s health conditions are often easily treated with a custom therapy plan from Prevea Health. Prevea offers access to Board Certified Clinical Specialists in Women’s health physical therapists who will create a plan tailored to you. 

Pelvic pain therapy options

Pain in your lower abdomen may occur as a result of changes to the bladder, muscle and ligament tightness or irritation of the pelvic floor nerves. Treatment includes therapies to relax the muscles and ligaments and improve muscle use. 

Pregnancy-related pelvic pain relief

While discomfort during pregnancy is common, many women find relief for more painful symptoms of the lower back, groin, pelvic bone and sciatic nerve through physical therapy. Treatment includes realignment of joints, postural correction and custom exercises. 

Osteoporosis support and treatment

People with osteoporosis can break a bone just by sneezing or falling. Our therapists help patients strengthen their bones, improve stability and increase bone density by teaching them how to exercise, correct their posture and perform daily activities safely.

Urinary problems and incontinence

Frustrating urinary problems and incontinence affect millions of people each year. Physical and occupational therapy can be a source of relief for many urinary issues, including problems controlling flow, leaking during physical activity or movement and more. 

Pelvic prolapse treatment and support

Pelvic prolapse is a weakening in the pelvic muscles that causes organs to shift and press into the vagina, often from childbirth, chronic constipation or the loss of estrogen due to aging. Treatment includes muscle strengthening and behavioral modifications. 

Cash pay is available

We understand that in some situations, it may be less expensive to pay cash for therapy than to go through your insurance provider. And in most cases, no referral is needed. 

No referral needed

Direct access without a referral or prescription to physical or occupational therapy provides you with immediate access to start your treatment without delay. 

The benefits of women’s health therapy

  • 1 in 4 women over the age of 18 experience episodes of involuntary leaking of urine.
  • 1 in 3 women will experience a pelvic health issue by age 60.
  • 1 in 5 women experience pelvic pain during pregnancy.
  • Studies show that 80% of the individuals who receive therapeutic treatment for incontinence regain or significantly improve control of their issues.

Find a therapy for women’s care therapist

Prevea therapists offer women the personalized relief they deserve. Contact us today to get started with a women’s health therapist to help you be your healthy best.