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6 power foods to have during training

While runners may burn a lot of calories doing what we love, we still need to be conscious eaters.

Running on empty

Of course, many runners enjoy a cocktail every now and then, but what does too much alcohol do to overall performance?

Proper hydration

Hydration is a key component to successful training. Consuming the appropriate amount of fluid will help performance and prevent injuries.

What water should I drink?

Today, the new craze is plant-based water. This water is created with liquid or powder extract from plants. Here are a few plant-based waters that are on the market

Gel, bar or drink - which one is best for me?

Sometimes it can feel confusing when you are trying to decide your nutrition plan for the long race. Congratulations on taking the time to decide which gel, bar or drink will be the right one for you.

Eating well through the taper

The taper is the time to recover and get your body ready for the race. However, you have been used to running significant miles every week training for the full or half marathon and eating whatever you want.

Taper, how should we do it?

Tapering is when runners slowly reduce their amount of training miles prior to race day. It is one the toughest aspects of marathon training,

Mental training tips

Physical training is an integral part of training for a race, but successful mental training is just as important to crossing the finish line.