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Late arrivals
Reminders sent to patients prior to their appointment date include the information that patients should arrive 15 to 20 minutes before their scheduled appointment time. If a patient arrives and checks in more than 10 minutes after the scheduled appointment time, it is at the discretion of the department to see if they have the time to see the patient that day. Additionally, the late arrival is documented by staff and a letter will be mailed to the patient explaining the importance of attendance at appointments.
If a patient has three or more late arrivals in a 12-month period, the provider may choose to no longer treat the patient. The affected patient could still see other providers within the same department.
Late Cancellations
Prevea patients are welcome to cancel or reschedule their appointment in order to better serve their care needs. However, patients are required to make scheduling changes ahead of time. A late cancellation is defined as cancelling less than three hours prior to an appointment and less than 48 hours prior to an appointment that requires additional services, such as imaging, testing, or surgical procedures. Cancellations after the scheduled appointment time, regardless of appointment type, will count as a no-show. After a patient’s first late cancellation, a letter will be mailed to the patient explaining the importance of attendance for appointments.
If a patient has three or more late cancellations within a 12-month period, the provider may choose to no longer treat the patient. The affected patient could still see other providers within the same department.
A “no-show” is defined as a patient who does not check in for an appointment at all on the day it was scheduled for. Cancelling an appointment after the scheduled time is also defined as a no-show. After a no-show occurs, a staff member will call the patient and ask why the no-show occurred. If the no-show was because of other health issues, the opportunity to reschedule will be provided.
If a patient has two or more no-shows in a 12-month period, the provider may choose to no longer treat the patient. The affected patient could still see other providers within the same department.