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Manage your child’s health care with MyPrevea proxy access

With MyPrevea—a convenient, secure and confidential online resource—you have access to your personal health information from any computer or mobile device at any time.

Movement disorders clinic

Prevea Movement Disorders Clinic allows your child to meet with a team of experts in one location with one appointment for your convenience.

Guidelines and tips on explaining death to a child

The loss of a loved one is never easy to discuss, especially with a child. Parents and caregivers have to take on the task of explaining death and loss to a child in a way that they can understand.

Respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV)

Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. While most people recover in a week or two, RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults.

When to call your pediatrician

Every parent dreads the times when their child is sick, but do you know when it's time to take them to the doctor? These common ailments and symptoms will provide an insight on when it's time to call the doctor.

Bike season reminder: bike helmets and rules of the road

Reducing the risk of head injury in half can be done by simply wearing a helmet while bike riding. To make sure that your child gets in the habit of wearing a helmet, set an example by wearing one too.

Help finding help

Life can throw us curve balls. It can be challenging at times to navigate it all – mentally, physically and socially… hard. In addition, it can be hard to stay positive.

Wobbling 1-year olds

One year is a big milestone for both parents and children, with some much happening during the first year.