Headaches in children

Child with arms crossed on table looking sad Child with arms crossed on table looking sad
Every child has occasional headaches, but what about children who have headaches regularly? First, it’s good to know there are different types of headaches and different triggers for headaches. 

Tension/Stress Headaches 

The most common type of headache is simple muscle tension or stress headache. These start in the shoulders or neck, and progress over the entire head. They can occur during or after a stressful event. You may notice an increase in headaches when the school year starts. If they are worrying about school, you may notice headaches occurring Monday through Friday, but are strangely absent over the weekend. Other children may get them after school, or complain Sunday night or Monday morning before school starts. 

Treatment for muscle tension and stress headaches 
  • Rest. 
  • Children’s pain relievers. 
  • Warm or cold wash cloth on the forehead or back of the neck. 


Migraines make up about 15% of childhood headaches and may run in families. Some migraine sufferers can tell when they are going to get a migraine -- this is called an “aura.” Migraines are typically associated with nausea and vomiting, pain over one or both eyes, and/or pain with loud sounds and bright lights. 

Treatment for migraines 

  • Rest or sleep, even if just for a brief time. 
  • Being in a dark, quiet room. 
  • Children’s pain relievers, given at the first sign. 

Other Headaches 

Other headaches may be the result of needing eyeglasses, having allergies, a sinus infection, a cold or environmental exposure. 

Note: Headaches can be painful and, as parents, we can sometimes imagine the worst scenario with frequent headaches. Rest assured, headaches rarely mean a tumor or aneurysm. 

If your child suffers from frequent headaches, your child’s doctor can help you sort out what type of headache he or she is having. It may help to keep a headache diary or log for three to four weeks in order to gather data about headache frequency and severity. 

How to prevent headaches 

  • Get 9-10 hours of sleep per night. 
  • Limit screen time as much as possible -- shut off screens at least 1 hour before bed. 
  • Exercise/be physically active daily. 
  • Don’t skip meals. 
  • Eat a healthy diet, avoid fast foods. 
  • Drink water daily. 
  • Avoid caffeine.